
Different Angle 3D - Getting Started

Different Angle 3D - Free - Blender 2.9 detailed video tutorial course

Different Angle 3D is the YouTube Channel where my video are held online. These pages will give you a link to each video together with a timeline of the different sections of each video. The videos build your knowledge as you work through them, so it is advised to watch them in sequence as you may miss key information in later videos if you haven't seen the previous ones.

001 Introduction to Different Angle 3D

This video is an introduction to the Different Angle 3D series, and outlines what I hope to include in these videos.

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Different Angle 3D - Getting Started - Introduction to DA3D

The Introduction shows some of the capabilities of this software using clips from some of the Blender Foundations open movies and includes a brief history of how and where Blender has developed from including clips from the original NeoGeo demo-reels. It then goes on to look at what I hope to produce for this series over the coming months and years.

Video Timeline:

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002 DA3D Installing blender

This video covers the basics of installing blender on both Ubuntu Linux and Windows operating systems.

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Different Angle 3D - Getting Started - Installing Blender 2.90

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003 DA3D Understanding Blender 2.9's Interface

This video gives a brief description of the different elements presented to you when Blender first opens on the default screen.

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Different Angle 3D - Getting Started - Blenders Interface

The video gives a walkthrough and description of each area of Blenders interface.

Video Timeline:

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004 DA3D Understanding Blenders Cartesian Coordinates

This short video shows how Blenders Cartesian Coordinate system works, to help you understand how objects are positioned within the 3D scene.

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Different Angle 3D - Getting Started - Understanding Blenders Cartesian Coordinates

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005 DA3D Customising Blender2.9's Interface

This video looks at how you can customise Blenders workspace to create a screen layout that suits your modelling style.

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Different Angle 3D - Getting Started - Customising Blenders Interface

Video Timeline:

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006 DA3D Working in Object Mode in Blender 2.9

This video looks at the fundamentals of Object mode and the basics you need to know before building your own 3D scenes.

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Different Angle 3D - Getting Started - Working in Object Mode

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007 DA3D Fundamentals of Edit Mode in Blender 2.9

This video looks at the fundamentals of working in Edit Mode and the basics you need to know before building your own 3D models..

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Different Angle 3D - Getting Started - Fundamentals of Edit Mode

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008 DA3D Understanding Blender 2.9's Edit Mode Tools

This video gives a brief description of the different elements presented to you when Blender first opens on the default screen.

Click the image to open the video in a new YouTube window

Different Angle 3D - Getting Started - Understanding Blender 2.9's Edit Mode Tools

The video gives a walkthrough and description of each area of Blenders interface.

Video Timeline:

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